This year Kidney Health Australia are continuing their efforts to reach and engage the 1.8 million Australians who are unaware they live with kidney disease. Due to the largely symptomless nature of kidney disease at its early stages, raising awareness about early detection will help find, diagnose and treat these millions of people before they reach the devastating reality of kidney failure.
Their research shows that most Aussies associate early signs of kidney disease with pain weeing or blood in urine (and 59% weren’t confident about their answer). Most people don’t truly realise the extent of the problem or its’ symptomless nature.
With this in mind, Kidney Health Week has a clear message:
To learn more please click on the following link:
Find out if you’re at risk by taking the 2-minute Kidney Risk Test here:
To discuss further with your GP please make an appointment via our website or call on 9509 7633.