Global Physical Activity Survey

Global Physical Activity Survey

It has been well established that participation in regular physical activity has a multitude of health benefits. It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia and certain types of cancer. It can also improve emotional,...

The Turmeric Trend

Move over acai bowls and matcha lattes… there is a new ‘super’ ingredient in town and if you believe the marketing, it would seem just about anything can be fixed with turmeric! Turmeric is a widely available spice that comes from the Turmeric plant, part of the...

Fee Increase

Dear Patients, Due to the increasing costs of running a General Practice and the continued freeze on Medicare rebates, we are increasing our fees effective 1st September, 2018.  This decision has not been taken lightly and fee increases have been kept to a minimum....

Sexually Transmitted Infections

      by Dr Jenny Alexander Having unprotected sex can put you at risk of sexually transmitted infections, or STIs. Among those at high risk of STIs are young people, men who have sex with men, and middle-aged people who have started dating again after separation or...

An Introduction to the NDIS

  The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to provide reasonable and necessary support for all Australians aged 65 years and under who have permanent and significant disabilities. It has been rolling out progressively across Australia since 2016. Once...