Bexero Meningococcal B vaccine is available now

We currently have a reasonable supply of Bexero Meningococcal B vaccine. Patients can book in to see our Practice Nurse to have the vaccination. Once this supply runs out we are advised by the manufacturer that the vaccine will be readily available from June...

New Cervical screening program

Due to issues with establishing the new National Cancer Screening Registry, the new cervical cancer screening program has been delayed until 1st December 2017. We will continue to send out reminder letters to patients for their routine pap smear until the end of the...

Antibiotic Resistance

By Dr Jane Healy Antibiotic resistance is when bacteria change to protect themselves from an antibiotic. They become no longer sensitive to the antibiotic and can live and multiply in the presence of it. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of bacterial infections....