Clinic News

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome

  Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is the term used to describe a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms that women commonly experience in the days leading up to a menstrual cycle (period). They can also continue for the first few days of a period. These...

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Blood Pressure Explained

Blood Pressure Explained

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force placed on the walls of the blood vessels as blood is pumped around the body. It naturally varies throughout the day, depending on what your body is doing. Blood pressure is highest when blood is pushed out of the heart into...

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‘Tis the season to be snotty? by Dr Min Teo

‘Tis the season to be snotty? by Dr Min Teo

Autumn has arrived, and with it – I’m afraid – the barrage of mischievous little microbes to wreck havoc on our bodies! Most upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are viral in origin, so antibiotics make no diddly squat of a difference. But the common cold is by...

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Common Issues in General Practice: Tennis Elbow

Common Issues in General Practice: Tennis Elbow

‘Tennis elbow’ is the common terminology for a painful condition that affects the elbow(s). The medical name for this condition is lateral epicondylitis. It is caused by inflammation or damage to the tendons that join the muscles of the forearm to the elbow. This...

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Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the breast tissue that commonly affects mothers within the first four to six weeks following birth. It affects around 1 in 5 mothers in Australia and can be very painful and distressing. Mastitis may be caused by either a...

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Flu Vaccine Program 2019

Flu Vaccine Program 2019

Every year, thousands of Australians are hospitalised with influenza. It is a major cause of illness in our community and was attributed to around 57 deaths last year. The 2018 flu season was very mild compared to previous years. There were just under 50,000...

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