Clinic News

Mindfulness Meditation

There are many tools and practices that can be used to help people with cope with stress, anxiety, depression and grief. Mindfulness is one of these techniques and it has been used extensively in psychological practice for many decades. Mindfulness is about learning...

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Public Holiday

Glen Iris Medical Group will be closed Monday 11th June due to the Queen's Birthday Holiday.  

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Glen Iris Medical Group currently has a reasonable supply of private Flu vaccines and very few government supplies. We will be unable to order more private flu vaccine in the foreseeable future. Please call on 03 9509 7633 to make an appointment.

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Signs and Symptoms of Influenza

Influenza (or the ‘flu’) is a viral infection that is transmitted person to person via airborne ‘droplets’, tiny particles of fluid that are expelled into the air, or onto a surface when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It affects the respiratory tract, the nose,...

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My Health Record

  In a highly anticipated announcement, the Minister for Health the Hon. Greg Hunt confirmed recently the My Health Record (MHR) opt-out three-month window will commence from 16 July to 15 October 2018. Every Australian will be offered a MHR unless they choose to...

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National Heart Week 2018: ‘Don’t get the SITS!’

During the week April 29th to May 6th 2018, the National Heart Foundation celebrates Heart Week. This year they are promoting the benefits of physical activity on heart health. The ‘Don’t Get the SITS’ campaign aims to get Australians moving in order to improve heart...

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