Annual vaccination is the most important measure to prevent influenza and its complications. It is recommended for all people ≥6 months of age. There is no way to predict how prevalent influenza will be in our community from year to year and it is important to remember that flu vaccines do not cover all the strains of flu that may be in the community. However flu vaccination remains our best protection and the more people who are vaccinated, the less likely the flu will spread in the community. During 2023, amidst the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, continued seasonal influenza activity is anticipated as borders remain open and interstate and international travel increases. People who are planning international travel should ensure they have had a 2023 influenza vaccination and Covid-19 Booster before departure.

The best time to be vaccinated for influenza is from mid-April on wards. It takes around 2-3 weeks for immunity to develop following vaccination. The peak flu season tends to occur between June and September.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group (ATAGI) recommends all people aged 18 and over, who have not had either a Covid-19 vaccine or confirmed coronavirus case in the last six months, can receive an additional booster from the 20th February. Please read for more information.

Please speak to reception for Flu vaccine fees. The Covid -19 (Pfizer Bivalent 4/5) Booster Vaccine is free to all patients.