From all at Glen Iris Medical Group we are wishing that you and your family are all safe and well. 2020 has so far been a difficult year for everyone.

The bushfires brought the new year in, followed by hail storms, dust storms and now COVID-19. Our lives have changed and phrases such as social distancing and lockdown, are part of our vocabulary. Schools are now on-line, many now work from home and the roads are quiet.

At GIMG we are not quiet and have been busy working trying to provide you, our patients with the medical care that you have always expected from us. The format of our delivery may have changed but our commitment to you and your medical needs has not.

To protect you and to provide a working environment safe for both staff and patients we have introduced telephone and telehealth consultations. From these consultations you will continue to connect with your doctor and together decide if you need to be seen in the clinic.

Our aim is to provide you the same level of medical care but not at any compromise. It is important then as we look at how things have changed, slowed down and even stopped in our world that we remember one thing that does not and that is our medical needs. Your GP remains your first point of contact when you are worried.

It is important over this time that we keep our hospitals free to cope with COVID-19 but also that we optimise our disease management to reduce every patients risk.

Diseases will not change and will continue to be present despite COVID-19. Heart disease and stroke will still remain the biggest killer. Lung disease, skin cancers and mental health will still be present.

We urge you to remember  that  although life may change through this pandemic, your health will not self isolate and it needs to be reviewed and managed.  The team here at GIMG will continue to manage your diseases together with your specialist. We must maintain our ongoing reviews, blood tests and imaging where we can. Our team is here.

COVID-19 has impacted us all and changed our lives, don’t let it however take away your health.

The aim of GIMG is to maintain optimal disease management and diagnosis throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We are your GP’s for life.