From the 1st December 2017 there will be a new test replacing the pap smear test. New evidence about cervical screening has found that screening for human papillomavirus (HPV)(with reflex liquid based cytology) every five years is more effective than, and just as safe as, screening with a pap smear every two years. Because of this more effective test women only need to screen every five years regardless of whether or not they have had the HPV vaccination.

Once you have had the new test and the result is normal you will be placed onto a 5 yearly reminder program.

*The screening age of women is now 25-74 years*

We do want to encourage our female patients to still see their usual doctor for a general health check yearly.

This check may include:

  • Breast Check
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Bone Health
  • Skin Check
  • Reproductive and Sexual Health Check
  • Immunisation
  • Monitoring of weight, physical activity, family history in the context of screening.