Sumudu grew up in the South East suburbs of Melbourne and graduated from Monash University in 2008. She completed her internship and residency at Monash Health including completion of a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – which allows her to offer her patients shared maternity care.

Following a year of travel and working around Australia, Sumudu realised her passion was in general practice and has loved every day since. She has a keen interest in Women’s and Sexual Health and is trained in inserting Implanon and Interuterine Devices (Mirena & Copper IUDs) through her qualification in Sexual and Reproductive Health. Sumudu also enjoys paediatrics and has completed a Diploma of Child Health. However, it is the variety and holistic aspects of general practice including chronic disease and preventative medicine that Sumudu truly relishes.

Sumudu also enjoys teaching medical students and in her free time enjoys running around after her two sons (and husband!), travel, indulging in good food and watching the mighty Hawthorn Hawks! Sumudu will be commencing with Glen Iris Medical Group on the 12th September and will be working Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.